Coalition of Franchisee Associations

March 23, 2025

Franchisees Face Rising Tensions Over "Fees"

Discussion of FTC regs, franchise disclosures, and technology fees - QSR

I'd wager that fewer than one in ten McDonald's franchisees have spent any time with their franchise disclosure document.


Anonymous said...

McDonald’s has done a masterful job of either marginalizing or getting rid of Owners who will voice opposition. We have ‘operator leaders’ that are more concerned with their own growth than the overall well-being of the system. Sadly, many operators are intimidated by the company and face harassment or retribution if they don’t tow the company line.

Anonymous said...

You would think that operators would start to be concerned after reviewing the last 6 months of their p and l’s, apparently that is not the case.

Anonymous said...

Hence the term Royality. Why can't the Operator Leadership request the services that were part of the agreement? The last post is correct intimidated by the SLT, also disrespected as they will not and have not listened to the operator leadership. Why do we pay fees to NOA and now NFLA, through the BU? Hire some lawyers and stop giving away our equity.

Anonymous said...

The fees sent to NFLA are useless.

Anonymous said...

The NOA , thru its Lead Counsel Robert Zarco, DID address on many occasions the companies overreaches, but the feckless NFLA REFUSED to join their NOA Brothers and Sisters so the effort was ignored by McD. The NFLA needs to step up and support ALL Operator entities , including the NOA, or the company will simply ignore the fractured operator community. We have a voice in our Unity and Strength in numbers only if the majority of the Operator body supports it. Want Change? Then Join and support the NOA. Sixty nine cents a day is cheap insurance to have a voice at the table!

Anonymous said...

Sad fact- "Operator Leadership " is more concerned with their own growth than the overall well-being of the system. Short sighted and TRUE

Anonymous said...

The intimidation, harassments and retribution by McDonalds have neutered the NFLA and the BU's

Anonymous said...

The company is following the game plan of McKinsey and ignores Operator well being. The partnership is DEAD

Anonymous said...

Just another reason why 961 owners left the system the past two years. The three legged stool has collapsed. The partnership is gone. RIP

Richard Adams said...

To you and I that 961 number is a negative for the system
- to MCD managment it's an accomplished goal.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why the system is struggling in profit and sales. The new breed of Owner/Operators should be called employees. They just stand in line and do as told. Sad situation

Richard Adams said...

Struggling? The pajama boys claim Operators cash flowed $500K per store last year!

Anonymous said...

The pajama boys also said the CF goal that operators should be satisfied with is $300k per store. Doesnt leave much to cover costs especially required remodels and mandates.

Anonymous said...

Look at what 500K equates to in today's economy. This equals equity loss on our part. The Owner/Operators just continue to support LONG TERM PRICE FIXING....This should be a crime.

Richard Adams said...

When reporters, analysts, and MCD shareholders see these cash flow numbers presented by MCD management, they assume that's your "take-home pay" per store. Management does not stop to explain how "cash flow" is calculated.
Would someone like to explain the difference between the corporate definition and the of the Owner/Operator reality ?

Anonymous said...

Mcd uses cash flow EBITDA .That means Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. That is a false number and is NOT what you put in your pocket. A true measure , as any good accountant will tell you, is Earnings AFTER Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. Combine that with skyrocketing costs and mandated reinvestment expenses, and operators have far less than they have had in the past!