Coalition of Franchisee Associations

September 3, 2024

Life is Political - Like it or Not

Kamala Harris' claim that she once worked for McDonald's continues to attract considerable attention. So far, McDonald's Corp. has responded with "no comment." While this is dangerous ground because no corporate favor can be shown to any candidate, isn't this a chance to reinforce the fallacy of the Joint Employer concept? 

Shouldn't one of the pajama boys be able to put together a statement that says, "These people don't work for us, and we know nothing about them?" And/or "We don't keep records of franhiceee's employees?"

A proper nonpartisan statement would be better than leaving the questions hanging, which only allows the media to speculate that McDonald's Corp. is hiding something.

McDonald's is getting a lot of attention on the campaign trail - Yahoo


Anonymous said...

McD suits support Kamala ( and most liberal/progressives) so there is no way they are going on record to confirm or deny her employment.

Richard Adams said...

Please read my post again. The Corp shouldn't confirm or deny anything, they could state they know nothing because they are not a Joint Employer.
They only people who can get away with "no comment" are law enforcement and national defense. "No comment" only makes the rest of us look like we're hiding something. But I agree, the DEI troops on Carpenter Street will vote Harris et al. own the ballot.

Richard Adams said...

There is some entertainment value here: TV commentators on Fox News are expecting Kamala and McDonald's would have maintained tax records for forty years to prove her employment.
Comments on "X" = "Someone would remember working with a person as famous as Kamamla Harris"
Excuse me ... Kamala wasn't famous forty years again, she was just another college girl working wherever she worked.
The one-in-eight campaign is pretty cool (I want on of those jackets) but it may be adding fuel to this fire.

Anonymous said...

The narrative is that the McDonalds and wider franchise model WORKED for VP Harris as a youngster. Why isn;t this proof of the absolute truth that the enemies of franchising are lying? Work in a fast food franchise, end up in the White House. WHY ARENT WE SCREAMING THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS?!?! We let SEIU lie and also support VP Harris

Anonymous said...

I hear she could never figure out how to put together the shake machine.

Anonymous said...

Folding Happy Meal boxes was the most she could accomplish.