Coalition of Franchisee Associations

August 16, 2024

Raise Wages and Energy and Then Complain About Inflation

There are only a few baby steps between government controlling grocery store prices and government controlling restaurant menu prices.

Price controls could create more problems than they solve - CNN


Anonymous said...

This sounds like McDonald's Corporation.

Charge Rent and Service Fees on Credit Card Fees.
Charge Rent and Service Fees on Delivery Service Fees.
Take away Happy Meal Rebates.

Commit Fraud on the BBV2020 Deal by
1. Increasing rents when spinning restaurants.
2. Changing the terms on SAO Projects by adding a SAO2 and make the Owner Operators pay for the project instead of the agreed $13,050.

Have a CEO make a statement that McDonald's has the ability to take price.
A year later have Pres of MCD USA State we have to go back to value and lower prices...Price Fixing??? As Corp only owns 5% of the restaurants.

So now let us make the Owner/Operators drop National Pricing through OPNAD using long term deals that loose cashflow for the Owner/Operators. Vote extensions without supporting data. Then decide to fix CSD and Tea Prices through any sized long term pricing.
Wow we now have the Liberal World of McDonald's.

This all occurs with our Leadership Owner/Operators collecting additional restaurants while rubber stamping the BS the Corporation is forcing to the system, even better increasing OPNAD funding to white wash and International GMA, so the can suck up additional funds.
OPNAD, NFLA and NOA please start representing your community better. Rubber Stamping is killing our system, your greed will be our systems down fall. SMH

Anonymous said...

For non-mcdonalds people, SAO = ???

Anonymous said...

Last comment Service Area Optimization.
Comment before...How could you forget Archways refunding at 50% and the Technology Fee money grab?