Coalition of Franchisee Associations

August 8, 2024

Go Big or ???

Peter Romeo from Restaurant Business with a 10 minute podcast about McDonald's history. One correction, if I heard him right he has the McDLT after the Arch Deluxe. Actually, the McDLT was introduced in the 1980s, the Arch Deluxe was from the mid-1990s.

Otherwise, it's very educational if you are being asked to invest in a new product.

McDonald's past attempts to go big - Restaurant Business


Anonymous said...

“ As this week’s Restaurant Rewind reports, most of those past efforts have sorely missed the mark. Remember the Arch Deluxe, a misfire that still ranks as one of greatest consumer-product failures of modern times?” YET OUR CEO WITH ABSOLUTELY NO OPERATIONS EXPERIENCE KEEPS TRYING. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!!!!!!!

Richard Adams said...

Peter writes about Ronald McDonald's rebranding, but beyond that, Ronald was kind of put on the back shelf. This was the first time Ronald was deemphasized, and it was the beginning of the end for most of the McDonaldland characters. Trying to turn Ronald into an adult was a real flop.