Coalition of Franchisee Associations

August 10, 2024

First POTUS to Have Worked at McDonald's?

Kamala Harris - Free enterprise expert - Daily Beast 


Anonymous said...

Its been said before but I wonder how many people who work at McD Corp will vote for the Dems? I bet its a lot.

Richard Adams said...

More than would have voted for Biden. Since Harris is the first DEI candidate (people hired because they fit into a certain category) and many, many McDonald's Corporate employees are DEI hires they'll tend to vote for Harris. That's why McDonald's Owners shouldn't make contributions to PACs controlled or influenced by McDonald's employees (unless they want to support Democrats).

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Obama the first DEI candidate?

Richard Adams said...

No, at least not as I understand DEI; it’s not just about race or skin color.
Nevertheless, Obama became President the old fashioned way - he won an election (twice).
That first election in 2008 included a very hard-fought national primary against Hillary Clinton and others (including Joe Biden). I’m not singing his praises, but the fact is that by the time Barrack Obama was sworn into office, millions of Americans had voted for him.

Compare that to Kamama Harris. She is where she is today because the power brokers in the Democrat party made a decision with no voter input and proceeded to “hire” her to be the party’s Presidential candidate.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Pres. Obama won, twice, against strong candidates. Many loved him. Oddly, Joe Biden and his administration make Barack Obama look like Ronald Reagan in retrospect! And that $10.10 minimum wage his admin proposed looks pretty good right now

Richard Adams said...

Obama took the long view and intended to implement their socialist agenda slowly to avoid public backlash. It's the old frog in boiling water story. Biden let his younger, impatient, militant staff members talk him into using the 2X4 to the forehead approach on his first day in office. Also, it's obvious that, in his second term, Obama was convinced Hilary would be the next POTUS so she could carry their agenda forward.