Coalition of Franchisee Associations

August 28, 2024

Restaurant CEO Turnover

A lot of restaurant chains have changed CEOs this year - Maze

Does Taxing "Unrealized Gains" Include Business Equity?

This $100 million excludes many people, but it gets the government involved in measuring a citizen's level of wealth. Where else do they do that? Your bank does it - does the IRS? This takes me back to Trump's first Presidential campaign when the liberal media was frantic to get hold of his tax returns. They thought they could determine his net worth from his returns.

For taxpayers with $100 million in total wealth - CATO Institute

August 16, 2024

Raise Wages and Energy and Then Complain About Inflation

There are only a few baby steps between government controlling grocery store prices and government controlling restaurant menu prices.

Price controls could create more problems than they solve - CNN

August 8, 2024

Go Big or ???

Peter Romeo from Restaurant Business with a 10 minute podcast about McDonald's history. One correction, if I heard him right he has the McDLT after the Arch Deluxe. Actually, the McDLT was introduced in the 1980s, the Arch Deluxe was from the mid-1990s.

Otherwise, it's very educational if you are being asked to invest in a new product.

McDonald's past attempts to go big - Restaurant Business

August 1, 2024

McBears and Bulls

Some have observed that we've been paying a little more attention to the stock market lately, particularly McDonald's (MCD) shares. That would be correct.

Over the decades, when McDonald's was a growth company, the factors that impacted the MCD share price have been numerous and complex. Be it new products, more new stores, fewer new stores, drive-thrus, playplaces, promotions, pandemics, etc.

But these days, it's pretty simple. The most important thing will be same-store sales in the United States. International markets will play a part, but Wall Street will judge the company's performance based on what happens in the USA. It's doubtful new products will be a factor, and major remodels will be impossible to sell, so it comes down to one thing - how much discounting will domestic Owners/Operators be willing to accept?

It will be easy to draw a straight line between U.S. same-store sales and MCD share price. It's going to be a simpler but more interesting time.

Wall Street Bulls Look Optimistic about McDonald's - Zacks