Coalition of Franchisee Associations

July 31, 2024

Video: McDonad's CEO at Paris Olympics

I'm sure he enjoyed the opening ceremony - YouTube


Anonymous said...

"I don't spend a lot of time comparing what others are doing" that's all they do at every meeting show what every other brand is promoting. If we rewind back to 2015 when Chris K was US President, he presented at the gallery walk how other national brands have larger national advertising budgets and less local spending even though their AUV was substantially less than McD's. and how he thought we should reverse our spending budgets on advertising and we would save money. And now, after the latest NFLA meeting, they want more money.

Richard Adams said...

He has three McSpin routines:
* One for shareholders ("I know what I'm doing")
* One for Owner/Operators ("It's all your fault")
* One for his employees ("We know what we're doing,
but just in case, blame everything on the Operators")