Coalition of Franchisee Associations

July 13, 2024

U.S. FTC Warns Franchisors Over Unfair Business Practices

McDonald's NOA comments calling climate "dictatorial" - Reuters


Anonymous said...

BRAVO to the NOA !!!!!~ The ONLY group speaking up for Franchisees and protecting your EQUITY and PROFITABILITY...

Anonymous said...

The NOA has over 1000 SMART OWNERS!

Anonymous said...

The National Owners Association, comprised of several hundred McDonald's franchisees, said in its comment that "the current climate is dictatorial and there is zero room for negotiation" with McDonald's.

How many stores does this "several hundred" really represent?

If you haven't joined now? . WHEN?

Richard Adams said...

"Several hundred" are the reporter's words; we don't know his source, if any. Several hundred could be 200 or 800. It's best to avoid that discussion. Size doesn't matter; it's what the group does that matters. From a shareholders' point of view, the number of stores matters when a block of stores might refuse to go along with a promotion or initiative.

Anonymous said...

From a shareholders' point of view, the number of stores matters when a block of stores might refuse to go along with a promotion or initiative."

Or reduce hours by closing during non-profitable times.

Anonymous said...

The NOA has over 1000 members.

Anonymous said...

with 1000 plus members, with the average operator having 8-9 stores, thats 9000 stores. SIGNIFICANT

Anonymous said...

I heard Chris K and Joe met with the NOA for the first time. I see why they met with them know. This is a significant blow and they are nervous about it.

Anonymous said...

NOA, be careful who you lay down with. Don't get fleas.

Richard Adams said...

If an independent association constantly dialogues, meets and negotiates with corporate clones, the association is no longer independent. The more corporate knows about who you are and what you are doing, the more power they have over you. The more they can plot to stay one step ahead of you. Stay at arm's length and have very, very long arms.

Richard Adams said...

"I heard Chris K and Joe met with the NOA for the first time."

Pardon me while I psychoanalyze a few thousand McDonald's Owners:

You guys have spent your business life working to keep your McDonald's overlords happy, many of you since birth. Attending your first few NOA meetings without the corporate people must have been strange.

But that's your superpower. Don't give it up by letting your hunger for corporate attention and approval drive your actions.

Anonymous said...

Meeting with the suits is fine for an independent franchisee association. However, the meetings need to be one way in terms of what needs to happen. The association needs to lay out what needs to change and corporate needs to respond.

You can't rubber stamp anything that corporate presents unless it matches what you demanded.

You also cannot get folded into the NFA!