Coalition of Franchisee Associations

July 31, 2024

Big Arch Included in the $5.00 Meal?


Promoting a large, expensive new sandwich is odd when everything else is about "value." The food cost on such a sandwich will necessitate a substantial retail price.

However, investors demand a new product pipeline and this will keep them satisfied for a while. Very few MCD watchers understand that the system can't sell high-end products while distracting customers with deep discounts.

McDonald's bigger burger

Video: McDonad's CEO at Paris Olympics

I'm sure he enjoyed the opening ceremony - YouTube

July 28, 2024

No Beef For You!

The topic, particularly on red meat, has resurfaced since Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency.

Kamala's campaign against red meat

July 11, 2024

Anonymous McGossip on X

@McFranchisee (Twitter - formerly @MCDtruth) claims that the typical

U.S. store will receive one case of 250 Black Garlic packets. Is that worth

while of a promotion? Sounds like a half-day supply.

                               Picture courtesy of @mcfranchisee - click to enlarge

July 9, 2024

Barbell Strategies

During one of the previous burger wars, a QSR corporate head (I think he was from Burger King) coined the phrase "Barbell Menu." The term was used to describe pricing that brought customers into the restaurant with the hope they'd forego the discount and move up to more profitable menu items. 

Today, we have a different "barbell menu" this one is more of a corporate strategy. The only "new" idea the corporate guys can come up with is discounting. But they can't admit to investors that price-off is their only idea, so they'll try to deflect attention to new product promotions. This works well because analysts and reporters are always expecting new product news. And, if there is no new product news, they'll criticize management for not having a "healthy product innovation pipeline".

If the discounting works, management will credit the new products. If sales haven't improved, they’ll blame the American consumer.

And everyone else in the system will be left asking, “How did our menu get so big and complicated?”

McDonald's has a very busy week planned - NRN

July 8, 2024

Opinion by Andy Puzder

Blame Bidenflation for holiday food costs

McDonald's NASCAR Chicago Street Race


Well, it wasn't really a "McDonald's" race, the first Chicago NASCAR race (2023) just looked that way based on photos and videos. I watched most of last year's race live and was surprised at how much visibility the McDonald's logo received. McDonald's banners covered many of the walls and barriers that made up the racecourse. These banners always seemed to be on camera. I couldn't help but wonder how much this cost.

Later, I learned the facts. Because it rained for much of the race, the TV cameras installed on high-up scaffolding or on the sides of buildings were temporarily disabled, leaving the ground-level cameras to cover the race. This meant shooting straight across the course with the racecars in the foreground and the McDonald's banners constantly in the background.

It sure looked like a race entirely sponsored by McDonald's.