Coalition of Franchisee Associations

June 18, 2024

Is Anyone Watching the MCD Stock Price?

This year, the price has drifted from $300 to $250. Only two things can turn that around: * several miracles in international markets or * McDonald's Owner/Operators in the USA can discount their menus and invest in promotions until same-store sales turn around.


Anonymous said...

Thats what they get when they put the corp in the hands of someone who knows nothing about the business and fill the bod with people who know nothing about the business.

Richard Adams said...

It's huge that they let the CEO also become board chairman. Not even the air-heads who teach at Harvard would say that's a smart move.

Anonymous said...

Chris K and his boy blunder Joe E are sending a wonderful brand into a tailspin. Their friends that are part of the board from McKinsey and Deloitte have cut the company's employees who had any experience and knowledge for cheap inexperienced puppets they call MHQ Staff. The lack of Services from the company have lead to the new term of Royalty vs service fee. Chris is the typical Harvard know it all, his only concerned is for his short-term get rich quick gains. This concern on his part is at the expense of the customers, suppliers and Owner-Operators. This must be criminal in one way or another, hopefully attorneys will figure out the legality.

Anonymous said...

The Wall St Ana;ysts are all singing the same chorus of "VALUE VALUE VALUE" aka DISCOUNTING to drive the stock price higher.

Guess who Chris K's favorite songwriter is?

THe $5 meal and "national value menu" are just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Chris K's favorite songwriter is John Deacon from Queen (Another One Bites The Dust).
He has been singing it for the last few years as all the talent has been leaving the system. All you need now is tight jeans and the ability to do as told.

Richard Adams said...

Too bad, I remember when the appropriate McDonald's song from Queen was
"We Are the Champions".

Anonymous said...

just thought of something, isn't Chris K a double dipper? Doesnt he get a payday from being CEO and another payday from being chairman?

Anonymous said...

Joe Erlinger is so anti operator. He ignores the NFLA, and every few months he sells millions of dollars of mcd stock. Not a good sign.

Anonymous said...

How many operators will end up discounting themselves into bankruptcy by mcd boneheaded marketing?

Anonymous said...

To the last comment...discounting...
All of us as no one stands up and says no !!!!
OPNAD, NFLA, NOA all just keep saying yes and during the BU Meetings everything is voted yes with no discussions. System is in fear of retribution and the strong arm of Business Reviews, PACE Visits and inspections has changed Owner/Operators into employees. Welcome to the new McOpCo System with McDonald's Corporation obtaining 100% ownership. Criminal at best.

Anonymous said...

McD stock DOWN 14.4% this year alone. Yet Chris and Joe are receiving record salaries and bonus

Anonymous said...

Can we please, please stop the absurd mobile ap discounting?

Anonymous said...

Last time I looked the NOA and the NFLA DO NOT HAVE A VOTE ON MARKETING MESSAGES AND STRATEGY. That lies with OPNAD and the BUs ONLY.

Anonymous said...

NOA is independent and in no way sponsored, endorsed or even recognized by corporate. NFLA is owned lock, stock and barrel by corporate as is OPNAD

Anonymous said...

OPNAD and NFLA....How many restaurants have the members and or associate members acquired in the past few years. This while they operate no better than the other Operators? Better yet some getting caught in very public matters while having their children approved and getting more and more restaurants. What a scam. Just run through the rooster and team assigned listings. That is a fact so yes to what ever SLT says and come back to the Business Unit explaining why we should be happy paying for items that should be in our Service Fees. So stop trying to tell us regular operators that you represent us so well ? Two letter word....No, try to use it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Wow looks like the last post ended with a microphone drop !