Coalition of Franchisee Associations

May 14, 2024

McDonald's Owner Sues the Brand and Execs

Claims McDonald's wants him out of the system - RBOnline


Anonymous said...

He must have spoken at a meeting and said a word other than "yes."

Anonymous said...

Hope he wins big. The company has been treating owners like dirt for ten years.

Anonymous said...

The new Franchising rules are aimed at removing seasoned owners from the system and to replace them with inexperienced, easily manipulated and controlled new operators

Anonymous said...

The company has been treating owners like dirt: especially since the pajama boy came along.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit court documents are behind a paywall, anyone have access to the documents? It should give specific details on what corporate has been saying to him.

Anonymous said...

George we all wish you much success in your actions against the narcissistic McDonald's Leadership. The SLT and their Officer Minions who have driven experienced staff, successful Owner-Operators and great suppliers out of the system need to pay for their actions. Now we get to sell meals that cost $3.65 in food and paper for $5.00. This is with no down-side support for the SLT. Another attempt to financially destroy Owner-Operators to buy their restaurants at a cut rate to re-franchise at a higher rent structure to again steal equity from the Owner-Operators. NFLA-NOA-OPNAD get your heads out of your ----- and stop this insanity....Mr. Adams thank you for your blog as it is the only way we can write and post without getting railroaded out of the system. Owner-Operator Leadership start representing our community.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't following Deloitte 100%.......

Anonymous said...

win or lose. You are no longer in the system. Once you reach this point in time.

Anonymous said...

And that would be so bad?

Anonymous said...

win or lose. You are no longer in the system. Once you reach this point in time."

But if you win, you walk away with the full value of your business as opposed to nothing or pennies on the dollar while corporate takes and keeps that equity that you swat for for decades to build.

That money is yours, so you win and take it with you and hopefully protect the next O/O family that gets targeted by teaching corporate that they may have to pay a price. If they are bent of driving someone out, at least offer the full value up front and be fair if someone is leaving the system.

Richard Adams said...

Yes, fight for every dollar, but don't think you are teaching the corporate pukes any lessons. They will treat the next exiting Operator the same way. One thing that's been true over the generations is that the corporate mentality is that every penny that comes through your cash registers belongs to corporate. You are just a conduit for the money. That's true from the day you sign your franchise to the day you complete your exit.

Anonymous said...


This is sickening for the layers of deceit it exposes! The BOD is Culpable, Investment Houses are Guilty, The Media knows the truth and is too lazy, underresourced, conflicted, and isn't brave enough to tell what they have heard from qualified and Owner sources for years!

The current McDonald's Leadership team is as corrupt as it gets. Chris K. is dirtier (does allegedly make it easier to post DA?) than Easterbrook was when he was fired under the guise of violating sexual harassment rules...that was convenient if those in the know simply reported what they already know is true. Suppliers have spoken, and Owners have told the horror stories on the record and off. See dozens of other public lawsuits. See other Maze articles naming former Owners on the exodus. He knows so much more from his relationships, so why is he so Mute on the side of Goliath? WSJ? CNBC? Biz Ledger? Bloomberg? You know the truth, why hide? Shameful.

George Michell, 34 Years of sweat equity, 37 restaurants in highly public locations for that length of time, revenues of $158M, $20M (minimally) invested, AND NOW all of the sudden the VP Chiczewski wants him out??? Blocks his daughter who has dedicated her life to the Company? That's a major management fail if not caught in three-plus decades and so much accomplished. How can one write the story without more background and the history of abuse for the Owners since the new management invasion that has ruined the brand?

Their puppets they slide in after chasing the giants away have started the brand demise already! The rest are being forced out with these so called standards have allowed gestapo like tactics to cull the heard. George Michell is a hero. All Owner advocates and groups should stand behind him, come on NOA, HMOA, BMOA and others (we know the NFLA is toothless)...there are no more leaders. The fear for their final exit or next generation candidate and without any other watchdogs who can blame them!

Turn out the lights!

Anonymous said...

George and Larissa Michell are the real heroes remaining internally and externally to take on the "mob-like mentality" of this power-hungry culture killing management team that doesn't deserve their ascension.

Michell record:

-34 Years as a leading Owner
-37 Restaurants, some in important, public locations
-Revenues of $158M
-Well over $20M in investments and reinvestments
-They Built the McDonald's Brand in that Market for nearly three decades

Oh, but wait, less experienced corporate field VPs and Ops personnel, aka appointed henchmen and women all of a sudden believe they should be out of the System?

Major Corporations have internal HR Policies that require if an employee is being fired after 10 years for example, that the CEO of that company must be advised. Why? Because if someone is fired after a ten-year employment record it is considered A MANAGEMENT PROBLEM, NOT AN EMPLOYEE PROBLEM!

Everyone knows the new game. The under-experienced Management team are bullies, w/out real restaurant experience, control freaks, and full of revenge rage from being eviscerated by the real leaders, the Owners over the last several years.

Unfortunately, the Owners lost energy and had too many more worried about their own $$ futures than protecting their fellow Owners. The road is littered with those who used their advocacy positions for financial gain, knowing how brutal the management team was and how taking the money was easier than standing on integrity and thus threw their peers under the bus. Those remaining hidden in the bushes, pretending they have other priorities are simply gagged by the company if they want any hope of their daughters and sons receiving a portion of their restaurants.

McDonald's management bullies won. This annual meeting slams the door on "partnering" forevermore.

Shouldn't this major structural transformation of power to internal executives been approved by the shareholders who have the most to lose from now on and unlikely they will ever know, "The Rest of The Story!"