Coalition of Franchisee Associations

March 13, 2023

How Do Your Bankers Use Their Time?


For comic relief, here’s a list of “cross-function working groups” from SVB’s 2022 ESG report: - Sustainable Finance Group: Develops strategy and monitors progress against SVB’s Climate Commitment • Investments Group: Reviews updates from our businesses on sustainability and investing-related initiatives and client engagement • Climate Risk Group: Recommends, monitors and supports implementation of climate risks  • Operational Climate Group: Monitors implementation of operational greenhouse gas reduction initiatives  • ESG Communications and Disclosures Group: Recommends ESG disclosure strategy  • Risk Group: Develops, monitors and supports implementation of ESG risk strategy and policy  • DEI Governance Group: Oversees and manages DEI disclosures and response to external inquiries  • Green Team: Focuses on internal sustainability interests and activities


Richard Adams said...

Maybe those ESG virtue-signaling committees worked? After all, now that they're out of business they can't be producing any of those environmental impacts and nasty greenhouse gases, can they?

And everyone is equal if no one has a job.

Anonymous said...

The government will overblow this and spend billions bailing out the speculative fat cats.