Coalition of Franchisee Associations

December 21, 2020

McDonald's Corp Paid $300 Mill for Dynamic Yeild

Somebody's got to pay for that.

McDonald’s franchisees want more control over technology


Anonymous said...

Not only that..... Take a look at Easterbrook’s severance. It seems the numbers are pretty close. I guess we’re making up for Board mistakes. It’s unfortunate. But a lesson for us to be smarter.

Richard Adams said...

I think Easterbrook's package is about $57 mill, not close to $300 mill but in any event, we're talking about real money.

Anonymous said...

I should have clarified. I was referring to our newly found tech fees that are due. 70 mil. In short, Easterbrook has it.

Richard Adams said...

Thanks for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

We have never been happy with the Tech piece in this region. We have people that know more than the regional people and when my staff would point out their mistakes I would read about our bad attitude in my operator review!! But, no one from the region at my review knew anything about it. I don't think the company has ever gotten technology where it should be.

I would really like to know what is going on between the company and the vendors who want to get paid. Will interest running on this $70,000,000.00 at 3% is over two million a year be added to the amount we are asked to pay. Is there any effort by the company or the operators to stop interest from running. Who is talking to these vendors. Is the company assuring them that we will pay everything including the interest. What expectations are being given to those vendors about the operators? We need to know and those vendors need to know. This could go on for another five years adding another $10,000,000.00 due to the vendors.

The company should present their case to the operators as to why they believe we owe this money. When I say present their case I want to see the contracts, invoices, previous communications to the operators, all communication with the vendors with dates. Interviews with the vendors about what commitment they gave to the vendors about the operators paying. I don't think it is wise to just sit around waiting for the company to fabricate reasons they think obligates us to pay anything. They have proven they don't handle things in a business like manner. Who knows about this?

Anonymous said...

The McDonalds tech fee has grown into a profit center for the corporation. Franchisees pay the hardware, the software licensing and the connectivity fees... plus these mysterious tech fees annually.

Does it really take $25,000 in added fees per location to sell a Big Mac?

And what Service Level Agreement does a operator have that is essentially ineffective causing lost sales..

The operator technology board has been hoodwinked into beliving this garbage is essential to selling that Big Mac. All the while, the competiton has better, does more for far less.

Anonymous said...

"Does it really take $25,000 in added fees per location to sell a Big Mac?"

This is a great question.
The tech isn't for selling a Big Mac. It is for collecting the royalties and rent more effectively.
This is a cost that MCD should be paying. This tech only hinders the selling of Big Macs.
When are we going to wake up and stop allowing corporate to swindle us into paying the expenses that they incurred to pick our pockets?