Coalition of Franchisee Associations

March 10, 2020

One Word Benjamin, Plastics

I sit on the board of directors of a home owners association. Last week we had to adjust 
our schedule to meet during what most people call "Dinnertime". To avoid rumbling 
stomachs we ordered dinner in. Red Robin won the coin toss. We ordered a dozen of 
their upscale burgers each with a side. The food arrived hot, fresh, and on time since 
the Red Robin was only two miles a way.

After the meeting we passed a trash bag and it was stunning how much plastic was involved
in our meal. The divided plates, clear plastic domes, plastic delivery bags, etc. all filled a medium-large trash bag.

I submit it's a snapshot of the restaurant industry. While chain managements are more 
and more obsessed with delivery the amount of waste generated is pretty much hidden 
from the judgmental public.

So, while chains are pissing off customers with poor quality mushy straws, inferior packaging, and recycling efforts in the front of the house ... in the back of the house the delivery teams are increasing the use of landfill bound materials and the like.

It could be that the overall volume of restaurant trash is increasing vs. being reduced. And yet the guests who visit the restaurants are going to suffer with inferior straws, utensils, and packaging.

All to be politically correct.


Richard Adams said...

Clarifications: 1) Red Robin is doing nothing wrong here. The packaging they use is just what's needed 2) A well-mananged landfill is a good thing. The earth has plenty of room for more landfills, they're a part of the human existence.

Anonymous said...

No worries, I'm sure governments will figure a way to tax those plastic items extra - just like many states now tax condiments. Elections have consequences, and people that vote in idiots mandating paper straws deserve all the agony in their life those dumb political decisions may bring.

There's a saying, "things can't get any dumber". Unfortunately, we live in a time where people take that saying as a personal challenge.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Richard, the dummy lemmings who vote these nanny state overlords into office are more than willing to pay the price to make themselves feel good and to be able to virtue signal on social media. Virtue signaling has replaced actual virtue in American society, and facts have long since ceased to matter. It's all 'bout the "feelz"

I'd like a strategy to be able to upcharge these buffoons for choosing a pair straw.

Richard Adams said...

I'd like to see few corporate CEOS stand up to the whacko environmentalists and say, NO, we are going to do what's best for our customers.

Anonymous said...

ultimately it comes down to money. at some point people will get pissed that their sandwich costs so much.

The real problem, in my opinion, is China. They start a pandemic, produce the most C02, don't care about human rights, etc..... I think the best solution for everyone, is for us to send all of our trash over there.... a billion people and the best they can produce is a virus.... from apparently eating bats or rats.... I'm still not sure.

Anonymous said...

You're preaching to the choir DA. I would LOVE to bring back Styrofoam sandwich clamshells (better heat retention & quality), keep plastic straws,plates etc. But the politically correct suits in Chicago would never allow it....Modern and Progressive!

Richard Adams said...

I never thought McDonald's Corp. would, that's why I addressed it as an industry issue. Actually, I made the comment to point out the irony as much as anything. The environmentalist whackos who force this issue will never know that things are different in the delivery business because they can't afford the delivery price premium.

But McDonald's will be the last chain to reverse the trend toward stupid packaging tricks.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I just saw a commercial for IHOP that says they have a new CEO....Child Executive Officer. A child that is running their company. I thought how ironic...we have one of those too!! #placeholderceo

Anonymous said...

send our styrofoam and straws to wuhan.... that is, after the customer throws them away. #Sendtrashtowuhan