Coalition of Franchisee Associations

January 23, 2018

CNBC Covers Latest Operator Survey and $1,2,3, Menu

Franchisees said that McDonald's new $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu will likely 
drive sales in the first part of the year, but many fear that the new menu 
will drive checks lower, diminish the franchisees' ability to control menu 
prices and raise their food costs. The new menu kicked off at the start 
of January.
"The $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu does give customers choices, but it isn't 
profit-oriented," one franchisee told Nomura Instinet. "It's good for 
buying guest counts."
McDonald's franchisees see Dollar Menu boosting sales in early 2018


Anonymous said...

during a $1k hour today I had a customer use 5 mobile app offers...back to back to back to back to back

Anonymous said...

from survey

• We were promised 32% food and paper costs with the $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu. I am certain it is coming in much higher.

• The $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu is clean and easy. My biggest concern about it is that there’s no Biscuit product on the line-up. Our biggest frustration is our customers believe we should still have a ‘2 for…’ program. Other than that it is going pretty well. We will need to look at Base Food from January to January to see the true effects.

• There’s nothing I like about the $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu. It limits our ability to raise prices, and raises our food costs.

• The system is changing. Management is only focused on numbers even if they are inaccurate...