As for those "Five Dollar Footlong" ads, Mr. Carroll said the marketing at one time
"made that offer so amazingly attractive: I'm getting an $8 sandwhich for $5." But,
he added, "after a while you convince consumers that it's really only a $5 sandwich
and so that's really what it's worth."
Behind Subway's New Post-Jared Strategy - AdAge
Oak Brook would rather see us have 600,000 UNPROFITABLE transactions than 500,000 PROFITABLE ones.
Our discounting has made consumers feel that our food is JUNK, and worth very little (Dollar menu, thank you)
Operators no longer have a leg on the three legged stool!
Deborah Wahl is McDs Jared Fogel.....destroying the brand.
Will someone please explain to me how McPick Two for $2 is anything other than a revamped DOLLAR MENU???
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