Coalition of Franchisee Associations

July 15, 2014

Analyst Kalinowski on McDonald's vs. the Chick

Should McDonald's Fear Chick-fil-A?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are already too many McDonald’s units We cannot build a $2.5 million restaurant and then say we are trying to compete with a $500,000 coffeehouse or doughnut shop or burrito place, especially when they are going into every vacant shopping center place. (and pay exorbirant 15%+ rents)

McDonald’s is built out, Let’s not repeat the 1990s by recklessly building stores to impress Wall Street.

We need to realize that, store by store, McDonald’s in the U.S. is maxed out, We will be lucky to maintain our current average unit volumes over the next few years.
And most of all, Don Thompson is clueless and needs to be FIRED