As a franchisee does it make you nervous that
the federal government can move in and force,
if not encourage, auto manufacturers to terminate
dealer franchise agreements?
This article compares car dealers to McDonald's
and Wendy's
June 25, 2009
Fenton's Golf Folly

Here's the latest on the whistleblower lawsuit over Oak
Brook's alleged development of a complex scheme to hide VP
Tim Fenton's country club memberships.
This all involves $2,940 in a year when Fenton made more
than $3.5 million in total compensation!
This has to appear absurd to McDonald's Owner/Operators
who have watched while McDonald's Corporation and it's
executives (past and present) have their sticky fingers
in most of the suppliers and privately held entities set
up by McDonald's as "approved vendors" selling goods
and services back into the system.
Just the tip of the iceberg. The real nondisclosure is
in the billions.
CNN Money article is HERE
June 23, 2009
Wage Hike to Squeeze QSRs

Every time the minimum wage goes up the discussion centers around cost cutting at the restaurant level. Since most of the impacted stores are franchised - where is the discussion about the franchisor backing off on some fees and royalties?
As in This Dow Jones ARTICLE investors comfort themselves in the fact that the corporate entity is "Insulated" by being heavily franchised.
It sure was a good time to sell off all those McOpCos!
June 22, 2009
June 11, 2009
One Way to Force Owner/Operators to Give Away Food
McOpCos - mixed in among dominant Operator
owned stores - offering free sandwiches
with any purchase.
What's new in Kalamazoo
owned stores - offering free sandwiches
with any purchase.
What's new in Kalamazoo
June 8, 2009
June 3, 2009
June 2, 2009
Update on Card Check
Both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were co-sponors of prior versions of the legislation when they served as senators
QSR Magazine Reports
QSR Magazine Reports