Coalition of Franchisee Associations

January 21, 2008

Be a Winner - Be Last!

We recently sent an E-mail to our McDonald's
franchisee list suggesting they:

* Don't spend $3.00 to get a check for $1.00 just
because there is a corporate contribution.

* Go with the Michigan approach - no beverage cell
- just a machine to set someplace.

* Be a winner - be last. We continue to encourage
you to be the Last Operator - in the Last Co-Op -
to go with CBI.



Anonymous said...

The rollout of CBI could not come at a worse time for most Operators.

Richard Adams said...

McDonald's Operators should
be prepared for a CBI propaganda
assault in mid-February since
the NLC is meeting in Kansas
to visit CBI stores in two weeks.

This will generate a glowing
report from "Leadership" that
will be used to create "excitement"
about CBI going into the convention.